RSHS Counselors, Social Workers, and Support Staff

Counseling Team

General Education:

Stephanie Sitsler A - C
Tyson Gillies D - G and ELL (A-R), Foreign Exchange Students
Stacee Hanson H - Me
Judith Delaurante Mf - R and ELL (S-Z)
Debbie Petrie Bullock S - Z

Special Education:

Rhonda Hood 11th & 12th Grade
Sarah Grimm 9th Grade and some of 10th
Andrea Schuck Some of 10th


Alexis Edgmon  
Dawn Franks  

Support Staff

Graduation Coach & Literacy Interventionist:

Jami Markovsky Graduation Coach


Counseling Role

Our role at RSHS is to help our students to become academically successful and emotionally well adjusted--happy, confident, and secure. We are your advocates, and the counseling office is a safe place where you can come to calm down and get help.

The counselors are here to help in a variety of ways--both with academic concerns and personal issues.

Academic Concerns

  1. Choose classes that are appropriate for you
  2. Help you decide upon a career
  3. Talk to you about colleges
  4. Assist if you are having difficulties in a particular class (work too hard, teacher conflicts)
  5. Information on tests given at the High School
  6. Change a class according to RSHS policy

Personal Issues

  1. Relationship problems--friends, teachers, parents
  2. Death/bereavement
  3. Family problems--divorce
  4. Abuse--physical/sexual
  5. depression
  6. Self-harm
  7. Anxiety